Tech, Adoption, and Monetization: TAM for Startups

Nama Venture VC Markets TAM

In the exciting world of startups, it’s crucial to understand the potential your venture holds in the market. A critical tool to gauge this potential is Total Addressable Market (TAM). This article will provide an overview of TAM, its importance to startups, and how to calculate it. What is Total Addressable Market (TAM)? Total Addressable […]

Ideal Tech Startups Chart of Accounts

Nama Ventures VC Accounting

Introduction A chart of accounts is a list of all the accounts that a company uses to record its financial transactions. It is an essential tool for tracking income and expenses, and for generating financial reports. The ideal chart of accounts for a tech startup will vary depending on the specific business model and industry. […]

10 Mistakes Founders Make When Dealing With Their Startup’s Accounting

Accounting Nama Ventures Venture Capital Value add

Starting a new startup is an exciting time, but it can also be overwhelming. There are so many things to do, and it’s easy to overlook the importance of good accounting. However, making mistakes in your startup’s accounting can have serious consequences, such as:   * Getting audited by the regulators  * Missing out on […]

The Venture Capital Industry In Saudi Arabia ( KSA )

Venture Capital in Saudi Arabia

Venture capital is a form of financing that provides capital to early-stage, potentially high-growth companies in exchange for an equity stake in the business. Unlike other forms of capital, venture capital is not always in monetary form, these organizations provide resources, networking opportunities, and other expert support to entrepreneurs and startups in the country. Venture […]